(MEXICO, 1977 in Guadalajara, Jalisco). She studied still photography and later a technical career in Audiovisual Arts and a degree in Communication Sciences. In 2000 she studied a diploma in Visual Anthropology at CIESAS Southeast. In 2010 the Seminario de Fotografía Contemporánea Centro de la Imagen and Centro de las Artes de San Agustín Etla, Oaxaca. Her training is complemented with more than 25 workshops in different areas of photography and film, taught in educational spaces such as the Centro Fotográfico Manuel Álvarez Bravo in Oaxaca, El Instituto Cultural Cabañas in Guadalajara, El Hangar in Barcelona and Gimnasio de Arte y Cultura in Chiapas. 

Since 2000 she has lived and worked in San Cristóbal de Las Casas and has founded and participated in different collectives and events for the production and promotion of photography and film, such as El Colectivo de Fotógrafos Independientes, Duermevela, Videoasta Indígenas de la Frontera Sur, Mundos Inéditos, and DOC-RED (Mexican documentary filmmakers in network). She has participated in the training programs of the Ambulante Festival (Ambulante Más Allá) and the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC con patas). Currently with Proyecto Medusa she participates as responsible for the programming in the 3rd edition of the Film Showcase "OCOTE: Miradas Encendidas", which received support from FONCA with the Fomento y Coinversiones program for cultural projects to be held in 2016. In 2018 she made the photographic project "Maternidades dislocadas", with the support of the PECDA grant from the state of Chiapas, in the category Artists with trajectory.