Vorágine - Orlando de la Rosa


Vorágine - Orlando de la Rosa

First section
Second section
Third section

Vorágine - Orlando de la Rosa


Text about Huésped (Spanish) by Diego Moreno

Size: 17.5 x 23.5 x 2 cm 
Number of pages: 192 
Offset and inkjet printing 
Print run 500






Through images and texts Diego Moreno narrates the complexity of his family history, one that is marked by disturbing cycles of domestic violence, machismo and attachment to the Catholic religion. This photobook, as a family album, allows the author to build a present to find his place in the world and reflect more deeply on the fragility and complexity of the human condition, and the hostile time in which we live. 

Huésped has been developed over the past six years, during which Diego has explored his own identity through an intense immersion process into photography as a means to bond with his family, creating and recreating scenes that allow us to enter into this complex web of relationships, while they are transformed in the same photographic act.

Since the times of the Spanish Conquest, Chiapas has been a state of Mexico where diverse cultures coexist, where cultural and social contrasts remain in constant tension. Mexico’s border with Latin America, the passage of undocumented immigrants, the scene of the Zapatista struggle, a place inhabited by indigenous peoples who keep alive the preshispanic customs, the so-called “coletos” descendants of Spaniards, mestizos and foreigners, build an extremely complex social mosaic.


San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, 1992

Diego Moreno began formally his studies in photography at the Gimnasio de Arte, Chiapas (2012). He attended the Contemporary Photography Seminar of the Centro de la Imagen (2015). Also, he studied the Diploma in Photonarrative and New Media at the Pedro Meyer Foundation with a grant by the World Press Photo Association (2014). Among his most outstanding recognitions is having been selected by FOAM Amsterdam as Young Mexican Talent (2017). Been selected for The Talent Issue: Ones to Watch by The British Journal of Photography, London, United Kingdom (2016). He has also been awarded the Acquisition Award of the X Puebla de los Ángeles Biennial (2015) and the Young Creators Grant of the FONCA, Mexico (2015-2017). His work has been part of individual and collective exhibitions in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Italy, Spain, Amsterdam, London and the United States. In addition, his work has been published in different national and international media such as: Vogue Italy, The Guardian, The Sun, The British Journal Of Photography, Burn Magazine, BuzzFeed, Futureshoots, Culture Tripe, Joia Magazine, Cuartoscuro, Tierra Adentro, among others.

Image with text overlay

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Through images and texts Diego Moreno narrates the complexity of his family history, one that is marked by disturbing cycles of domestic violence, machismo and attachment to the Catholic religion. This photobook, as a family album, allows the author to build a present to find his place in the world and reflect more deeply on the fragility and complexity of the human condition, and the hostile time in which we live. 

Huésped has been developed over the past six years, during which Diego has explored his own identity through an intense immersion process into photography as a means to bond with his family, creating and recreating scenes that allow us to enter into this complex web of relationships, while they are transformed in the same photographic act. 

Since the times of the Spanish Conquest, Chiapas has been a state of Mexico where diverse cultures coexist, where cultural and social contrasts remain in constant tension. Mexico’s border with Latin America, the passage of undocumented immigrants, the scene of the Zapatista struggle, a place inhabited by indigenous peoples who keep alive the preshispanic customs, the so-called “coletos” descendants of Spaniards, mestizos and foreigners, build an extremely complex social mosaic.
Text about Huésped (Spanish) by Diego Argote

BookSize: 17.5 x 23.5 x 2 cm
Number of pages: 192
Offset and inkjet printing
Print run 500
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, 1992 

Diego Moreno began formally his studies in photography at the Gimnasio de Arte, Chiapas (2012). He attended the Contemporary Photography Seminar of the Centro de la Imagen (2015). Also, he studied the Diploma in Photonarrative and New Media at the Pedro Meyer Foundation with a grant by the World Press Photo Association (2014). Among his most outstanding recognitions is having been selected by FOAM Amsterdam as Young Mexican Talent (2017). Been selected for The Talent Issue: Ones to Watch by The British Journal of Photography, London, United Kingdom (2016). He has also been awarded the Acquisition Award of the X Puebla de los Ángeles Biennial (2015) and the Young Creators Grant of the FONCA, Mexico (2015-2017). His work has been part of individual and collective exhibitions in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Italy, Spain, Amsterdam, London and the United States. In addition, his work has been published in different national and international media such as: Vogue Italy, The Guardian, The Sun, The British Journal Of Photography, Burn Magazine, BuzzFeed, Futureshoots, Culture Tripe, Joia Magazine, Cuartoscuro, Tierra Adentro, among others.