(BRAZIL), Ana Maria Mauad is a full professor in the Department of History at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, RJ, Brazil, and coordinator of the Oral History and Image Laboratory at the same university. She is a researcher at the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq), a CNE fellow of the Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) and in 2018 she held the Celso Furtando Chair as a visiting researcher at St John's College, Cambridge University, UK. She works in the area of Theorá and Methodology of History in undergraduate and postgraduate courses, guiding master's and doctoral theses. She is dedicated to the study of the relationship between photography and history in which converge issues associated with the fields of visual history, oral history and history of memory, coordinating projects funded by major research funding agencies in Brazil. She is a member of the Brazilian Network of Public History and coordinates, together with Dr. Maria Teresa Bandeira de Mello, the WG Visual Culture, Image and History, section ANPUH-Rio, which articulates a wide network of researchers on image and memory, organising the Annual Forum - An Agenda for Photography.