12/02/2020 - 12/03/2020
Exhibition realised with FOTOGRÁFICAMX
Book published by RM Publishing and Centro de la Imagen
Opening at PHotoEspaña Festival 2015
Centro Centro Cibeles, Madrid, Spain
Develar y Detonar is an exhibition that proposes a review of the current photographic production in Mexico through an edition that links the different works, where authors from different generations and places in the country converge and intersect to draw a complex, contradictory and disturbing map of the Mexico in which we live.
A map that seeks to raise questions, to open up photography to a reflection and dialogue that allows for the construction of new notions that enrich the medium. To reveal new ways of looking at and producing images. To trigger a reflection on the way we conceive the contemporary photographic image.
In a Mexico that has undergone profound social, political and ideological transformations, we find ourselves facing a complex and contradictory reality, which seems to be exploding in many directions. Generations exposed to an enormous amount of images in everyday life, in the press, in the media, that reconfigure the collective imaginary in forceful and as yet unpredictable ways. Taking a stance within the image and the world becomes an urgent necessity. We are faced with a photographic discourse that is more alive than ever.

A changing country that intersects with a medium that adapts and transforms vertiginously. In recent years, photographic production and circuits in Mexico have grown exponentially. Develar y Detonar seeks to open up this complex and fertile panorama for reflection, which is materialised in new and risky ways of constructing photographic discourse.
Photography, by its very nature, is a field of creation that constantly reinvents and mutates, becoming a medium that demands a continuous reworking of the interpretations that seek to contain its discourses. New paradigms constantly emerge due to the relationship with the devices and their technical and discursive possibilities that respond to changes at all levels of reality.
The photographic image as a phenomenon of ideological transition and its repercussions on the public imagination. Only some authors in Mexican photography do not adopt a posture of metamorphosis with respect to the environment of international circuits of validation and global trends, but on the contrary, international influences are synthesised in a singular way towards their everyday reality, thus becoming a modulation that decomposes and recomposes images that in many cases are difficult to locate, grasp or understand within the classic photographic genres that derive in turn from painting: portrait, landscape or still life, among others. Nor should they be pigeonholed within what has recently been called: contemporary production strategies, since this term has not encompassed for a long time what is happening in current Mexican photography.

The evolution of photography in the last ten years has taken off in completely new and uncodifiable directions, a historical moment that parallels the emergence of photography, in which technological advances and their use by society trigger profound and unpredictable changes in the collective imaginary, the way of relating to the image and the way in which it responds to the discursive needs of the authors and of society itself. We consider it urgent to open up the field of photography to these needs and place them at the forefront of reflection.
This book and exhibition propose, by bringing together different discourses and ways of approaching photography and reality, to produce a kind of dismantling, a movement of knowledge that allows for the possibility of a critical look at this particular moment of photography in Mexico. This critical look comes from the perception of the differences and the surprise of the spectator through an edition that generates new intersections between apparently very different orders of reality, and finally it is in this edition where the aim is to encourage the disarticulation of the usual perception and reading of photography, but also of the reality that generates it.

Luis Arturo Aguirre, Daniel Alcalá, Mauricio Alejo, Melba Arellano, Julio Barrita, Fernando Brito, Koral Carballo, Andrés Carretero, Juan Carlos Coppel, Livia Corona, Alejandro Cossio, Cremance, José Luis Cuevas, Beatriz Díaz, Romeo Dolorosa, Alex Dorfsman, Oscar Farfán, Miguel Fernández, Jesús Flores, Omar Gámez, Simon Gerbaud, Maya Goded, Abraham Gómez, Ray Govea, Ricardo Guzmán, Juan José Herrera, Karina Juárez, Elisa Larvego, Alejandra Laviada, Carlos León, Octavio López, Pablo López Luz, Antonio Lozano, Alexander Lucatero, Dolores Medel, Fernando Montiel Klint, Nelson Morales, Diego Moreno, Khristian Muñoz, Luana Navarro, Jael Orea, Rodrigo Oropeza, Miguel Ángel Ortega, Mauricio Palos, Luis Enrique Pérez, Marcela Rico, Baldomero Robles, Oswaldo Ruiz, Mariela Sancari, Guillermo Serrano, María José Sesma, Roberto Tondopó, Yvonne Venegas, Yvonne Venegas, María José Sesma, María José Pérez, María José Sesma and Yvonne Venegas.
Hydra + Fotografía offers you works by various authors from Develar y Detonar in different formats and prices.
DEVELAR Y DETONARPhotography in Mexico ca. 2015Published by RM Publishing House
The book includes essays by Sergio González Rodríguez, Sergio Raúl Arroyo,
Itala Schmelz and de Hydra - Ana Casas Broda, Gabriela González Reyes and Gerardo Montiel Klint

We invite you to read some press releases about the exhibition and book Develar y detonar.