(MEXICO, Guadalajara, 1990). Part of the research and creation collective Arte+Ciencia of the UNAM, as well as the independent collective of cultural management and artistic production Waxolote Okupa. Included in the anthology "Líneas en tierra. A collection of Mexican poems/ Lines in land. A collection of Mexican poems" edited and translated by Tamryn Bennett and Guillermo Bátiz Cano for Australian Poetry. In 2017 he taught the expanded literature course Máquinas post-concretas at the Centro de Cultura Digital and at El Festival Internacional Revueltas 2018, in Durango, where he also presented the piece "Concreto. Ensamble de Máquinas de Escribir a Ocho Manos" together with artist Jaime Lobato. Translated into English in the San Diego Annual Poetry 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2019-2020 by Cristina Pérez Díaz, María Cristina-Hall and Carla Rivarola, respectively. Author of Poemas Panks para community managers (Buenos Aires, Santos Locos, 2016; Mexico, Mantarraya 2017).