25/05/2017 - 30/06/2017
TresTresTres is an artwork created specifically for the Hydra gallery space created in collaboration with Juan Lara and Julio Cubillos, which aims to show the infinite possibilities that arise from combining the basic forms of three black and white photographic images.

By subjecting these three still images from the "A" project to different plastic processes (mural painting, pigments on canvas and framed photography), we allow the viewer to cover the entire distance between a photographic image contained in its own negative and the absolute abstraction of its form with a single glance.
Only after understanding the infinite elasticity that defines contemporary images can we free photography from the heavy frame that keeps it anchored to the wall and allow it to expand into the three dimensions of the exhibition space, where it can communicate with other expressive languages such as painting or sculpture.
He is a member of the Blank Paper collective. Since 2008 he has been working on a project focusing on the four visible layers of matter: fire, water, air and earth.
In a continuous process of accumulation of images, the trace of his encounter with reality is revealed. It is an ongoing creative process in search of harmony between the opposing forces of form and symbol.
His work has been exhibited in institutions such as Museo Oteiza in Pamplona, CentroCentro in Madrid, Museo de Bellas Artes in Castellón, Fundación Arantzazu Gaur in Gipuzkoa, Instituto Francés in Madrid, Galería La Fábrica in Madrid, Artes Santa Mónica in Barcelona, Circulation(S) in Paris, the Chongqing Biennial in China, and the acclaimed photography festival PhotoEspaña.