INTRODUCTIONSince its foundation in 1981, the Fotohof in Salzburg has been an important centre with widespread activities. A group of photographers and enthusiasts gathered and worked together to create a space for presenting and discussing art photography; this ambitious concept succeeded by founding an “association to support author photographers” and because the first Gallery space was in a courtyard (Hof), the more descriptive name FOTO-HOF was created; since then, for nearly 40 years, this “collective” structure has been the same and Fotohof has been working in the field of national and international art photography. The gallery consists of two exhibition spaces. The entrance is into the 200 m2 main hall. The 50m2 library also features an exhibition space concentrating on the "photography book". In our new space – all in all app 460 m2 we also have a café and a viewing space for our book and portfolio editions, an artothek and offices.
FOTO-HOF; since then, for almost 40 years, this "collective" structure has been the same and Fotohof has been working in the field of national and international art photography. The gallery consists of two exhibition spaces. The entrance is in the 200 m2 main hall. In the library, 50 m2, there is also an exhibition space focusing on the "photography book". In our new space - in total about 460 m2 - we also have a café and a space for viewing our book editions and portfolios, an artothek and offices.
EXHIBITIONSFotohof Salzburg is with Camera Austria Graz the most active place in Austria with wide international reputation. We organize an international exhibition program (seven to ten exhibitions each year). Selecting from a broad field of artistic photography, the Fotohof focuses not only on contemporary Austrian but also on international photographically based art.
LIBRARYWe are proud to provide Austria’s largest and best sorted public library for photography with more than 14.000 titles and catalogues. We subscribe to 20 national and international art and photography magazines. The whole literature information has always been digitalized and is fully searchable on our website.
EDUCATIONIn addition, we run extensive educational programmes (for schools and adults); each year we welcome about 200 students from local schools and universities.
BOOK PUBLISHINGThe publication of books and catalogues is another way of supporting an artist's work - and has led to the foundation of Fotohof publishing. Since 1997 we have established an international publishing house: to date we have published 300 books by Austrian and international artists in our own Fotohof publishing house.
ARCHIVEInaugurated in 2015 the FOTOHOF archive is comprised, first and foremost, of photographs by Austrian and selected international artists. The collection also includes negatives, digital data, documents, and all materials illustrating each particular artist’s development. The archive itself and the facility it provides to search for photographs and archive material are structured in each case around the artist’s name. Besides its actual safekeeping mandate the Fotohof archiv also sees itself as a research, study and competence centre. A small exhibition space has been set aside for exhibitions and presentations focusing on the topic areas under study. A study and training room is available for processing, digitising and printing photographs, also providing premises for small-scale courses and a work environment for curators plus an analogue darkroom and book storeroom.