(MEXICO, 1968). Photographer, teacher and columnist especially interested in confronting the photographic image as a phenomenon of ideological transition and its repercussions on the public imaginary. His work can be found in museums in the USA, Japan, China, Brazil, Spain, Denmark, Hungary and Mexico. Member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores del Arte, Acquisition Prize at the XIII and XI Biennials of Photography Mexico, Silver Medal Bellas Artes 2008. Co-founder of Hydra platform. Advisor to EXIT magazine (Spain), advisor to Getty Foundation and San Diego Museum of Photographic Arts MOPA SD 2013-2017 (USA), member of the advisory board of Alquimia magazine (Sistema Nacional de Fototecas, Mexico). His professional activity, always around photography and image, oscillates between exhibitions of his work, curatorship, consultancies to museums - publishing houses and theoretical production.