(ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires) Photographer, teacher, curator and cultural manager. Member of Cooperativa Sub, Vist project, Women Photograph, Foto Féminas. Nominated 6x6 Global Talent Program of the World Press Photo. Currently co-directs the Laboratory of research and visual creation at Sub, Educational platform. Buenos Aires. 2012/2020, she teaches in the Master of Photography at Efti (Centro Internacional de fotografía y Cine) Madrid, Spain, she is an Activator of MUFF, study program and Photography Festival of the CDF (Centro de fotografía de Montevideo, Uruguay) 2020/2021 and Mentor of the Women Photograph Mentorship Program 2021. First prize POYLATAM Picture of the year Latin America (2019/ 2011/ 2012) , First prize Bienal de Arte de Cuenca, Ecuador 2009, First prize No es igual, no da igual organized by La Defensoría General de la Ciudad through the program de Género de la Secretaría General de Derechos Humanos (2013) among others. She has participated in numerous exhibitions in countries such as Ecuador (2019), Buenos Aires, Argentina (2018). J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles, USA. Centro de Fotografía de Montevideo, Uruguay (2018, 2011). C.C Recoleta Buenos Aires, Argentina (2015), Centro Cultural kirchner Buenos Aires, Argentina (2015), Galería Hydra, DF Mexico (2017), Musée du Quai Branly Paris, France (2014),Galería ArtexArte, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2014, 2012, 2011), Centro Cultural Haroldo Conti- Ex Esma Buenos Aires, Argentina (2012), Bienal Argentina de Fotografía de Tucumán, Argentina (2012). Centro Tabacalera, Madrid (2010), Festival de la Luz, Argentina (2010), Museo del Barro Asunción, Paraguay (2010), CCE, Santiago de Chile (2009), Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the last 15 years he has participated in numerous photography meetings, festivals, colloquiums and talks in Latin America and Europe.