(YUCATAN, MEXICO) He is Mayan. Born in Ticul, Yucatan, on 25 July 1993. She studied high school at the Centro Educativo "Rodríguez Tamayo". In 2018 she participated in a group exhibition "Women. Movement and perspective" in the framework of the International Women's Day, in the main trellis of the Centro Estatal de Bellas Artes in Merida Yucatan. On August 9th she was also invited to the collective exhibition "Las memorias del Territorio Maya" at the Museo Maya Santa Cruz XBáalam Naj in Felipe Carrillo Puerto, QRoo. She is a grantee of program Jóvenes Creadores 2019-2020 of the Fondo para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA) in the area of Visual Arts Photography. She has published her photographs in the magazines "La Ojarasca", "Revista Sinfín", in the Italian magazine "La macchina Sognante" and in the newspapers Mexico News Daily and "Diario de Yucatán". He accompanies and documents processes of struggle for the vindication of the Mayan language and culture as a member of the Assembly of Defenders of the Mayan Territory Múuch' Xíinbal. She has participated on two occasions in the "Compartidas" of the photo agency and editor Cuartoscuro (a dynamic that is carried out through facebook). She has shared her photographs on facebook and on her blog for community outreach.