05 - 26/08/2017
Aby Warburg argues that historical discourse is never born, that it can always begin again. The past, according to Warburg, is something both discovered and invented and is merely the product of an inventor of history (the historian), who reconstructs the absence of its lost object and gives shape, from his point of view and context, to a narrative.

La Forma Bruta looks to new origins, investigating representation through the museum. The project relates object, exhibition device and the point of view of the observer.
It is about (re)imagining history through images, understanding that the present bears the mark of multiple pasts and that our history has the power to change.
Buenos Aires, Argentina. She currently lives and works between Buenos Aires and Madrid. She divides her time between production, editing and education, linked to the field of visual productions.
In 2015 Riot Books published his first photography book entitled A Kind of Loop.
Since 2016 the Spanish-Argentine publishing house Chaco where, together with Verónica Fieiras, he co-edits and selects projects, whose books Soft Touch and Muestrario were selected as finalists for Book of the Year at the festival Les Rencontres d'Arles, 2016 and 2017 editions. He also collaborates with the educational platform TURMA as a tutor for program Turma Anual, Second Year. In 2017 he is working on the edition of his new book Los hijos del Neón, to be published under the Italian imprint Skinner Books, and on several books for the CHACO publishing house.