tania lópez espinal
1 and 2 August 2018
17-19 January 2019
The aim of this workshop is to introduce participants to the preservation of film material with tools they can find at home. They will also learn about the nature of the materials and the effects of deterioration that they may present in order to identify the degradation process of their film materials and thus be able to carry out a basic intervention for their conservation.
session 1
Introduction to film material
History of film media
Stratigraphic structure of the film material
Types of film media
Identification of photochemical processes
Format identification and brief history
Knowing the effects of deterioration
Cause, mechanism and effects of damage
Basic inspection knowledge
Identification of impairment effects
Conservation measures
Home storage

She graduated with a degree in Restoration of Movable Goods from ECRO (Escuela de Conservación y Restauración de Occidente). She is currently working on the revision, stabilisation and digitisation of small film formats in the Helena Sánchez Valenzuela Digital Restoration Laboratory at the Cineteca Nacional.