Fololibro Nominated Book
of the Year FELIFA 2018

Between text and image, this photobook constructs the complex story of three generations of women in the author's life. The mother's house, full of pets, dolls and peculiar objects, becomes a space both fantastical and terrible, a metaphor for an intricate and dramatic story that Saraí approaches oscillating between fiction and reality, in an honest and profound reflection in words and images. Where You Can't See Me is the construction of a refuge of fantasy, and although I play with fantasy, the space is not fictional, it is our family history inhabiting this book".
Between intervened archive images, photographs taken by the author, texts, and a delicate workmanship that includes several different booklets, the narrative of Donde no puedas verme is constructed, materialised in a fascinating object that hides and reveals disturbing secrets.Intervened archive images, photographs taken by the author, texts, and a delicate workmanship, this photobook constructs the complex story of three generations of women in the author's life. The mother's house, full of pets, dolls and peculiar objects, becomes a space both fantastical and terrible, a metaphor for an intricate and dramatic story that Saraí approaches oscillating between fiction and reality, in an honest and profound reflection in words and images.
"It is the construction of a fantasy refuge, and although I play with fantasy, the space is not fictional, it is our family history inhabiting this book. "Between intervened archive images, photographs taken by the author, texts, and a delicate workmanship that includes several different booklets, the narrative of Where You Can't See Me is constructed, materialised in a fascinating object that hides and reveals disturbing secrets.
Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Saraí Ojeda is a Professor-Researcher at the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. She teaches Photography at the Centro Morelense de las Artes and at the Facultad de Artes de la UAEM She has a Master in Arts from the same Faculty with a research stay at the Universidad de Granada, Spain. She attended the Seminario de Fotografía Contemporánea at Centro de la Imagen and the Centro de las Artes de San Agustín, Oaxaca (2014), and was part of the Incubadora de Fotolibros at Hydra + Fotografía (2016)(2016). Her work has been exhibited individually in the Fototeca Nacional and selected in the Bienales of Toluca, Veracruz, Puebla and Artes Gráficas of Oaxaca . She has received scholarships from CONACyT, FotoEnsayo 2011, and PECDA 2007-2009.
Size: 13.5 x 19.5 x 1 cm
Number of pages: 106
Offset Printing
Print run 500
Language: Spanish and English
Cover handmade by the author
Selected at FELIFA (Author's Book Fair, Buenos Aires)